Elohim, the battle for man’s salvation already has been
won, for with His death and resurrection the price of my salvation was paid for
by Thy Son.
Verily, unworthy as I usually prove to be, Jesus, You
died for all mankind and in Your resurrection gained Salvation for men like me.
Adonai, Thy story is gospel indeed, for in Thy biography
is the good news that I may live forever more because I’m so loved by Thee.
Now Lord, I offer Thee praise and thanksgiving for the
Good News of Salvation that Thou hast offered me, with which Thou has set me
Gospel and evangelion two words which mean the same,
GOOD NEWS, that man can live forever more just by following in Thy Way.
Evangelion means Good News and that’s what Thy love hast
procured for me as I garner grace in Thee.
Love tended me by Thee, Jesus, has lifted me from the
dirt of sinful strife, that I, in grace may follow Thee and gain eternal life.
Inherent in Thy Good News that all men can contemplate,
for those who follow Jesus, death has no true say in mankind’s final fate.
Oh harken to the Good News; man no longer has to be a
slave to sin, for Christ has won the final battle long before it will begin.
Now all I need to claim this gift of life, is repent,
return to Him and follow Christ’s decree that we all love each other as He has
so loved me.