Elohim, Thou art the source of the grace of salvation,
the harmony found in this Thy grace is pleasant to the spiritual ear.

Uplift me, oh God, set my steps in the proper direction
according to Thy Will, dwell within me, for Thy voice in my heart salvation

Prepare, my Savior, the vocal cords of my soul, that
euphoniously my voice may blend with Thy angelic choir in praise of Thee.

Honor, praise and glory are due Thee, oh Lord God of
Existence, for without Thee nothing can exist, for Thou art the very breath of

Oh, that my voice, with melodious intonation, may be
heard even in heaven, harmoniously blending with Thy choir of angels.

Nurture me Lord, with Thy grace, enhance my abilities to
communicate with my fellow man in love as Thou hast commanded.

Invest in me the graces of love and understanding, that
I be slow to anger, quick to forgive, and non-judgmental in all things.

Oh Breath of Life, grant me the wisdom to take hold of
Salvation’s grace that I may have the courage to act according to Thy Will.

Unleash in me the euphonious voice of Thy angels, that
in all of my life‘s circumstances, the melody of Thy grace in me will prevail.

Singing, I offer Thee praise and glorify Thy precious
name, enter into my heart oh Lord, guide my steps according to Thy way, I pray.



Euphonious; a sound that is found to be pleasant to the ear.  That sound which brings personal satisfaction when heard or experienced.