Death, I see how finite is thy grip, for the Son of God,
Jesus, by His glorious resurrection has shown the limits of thy power.
Elohim, for those who deny Thee in the blindness of
their ego, I ask, open their spiritual eyes to Thee, that You they may come to
Accept my praise Lord Adonai, that Death can not be
proud, for it’s visible control over man is proven to be so weakly endowed.
Thou hast defeated death’s hold on man by Thy
resurrection, for death no longer can claim the final say in man’s spiritual
Holy Spirit fill me with Thy Salvation’s Holy Grace that
I, in Christ, may share Thy boundless love with the entire human race.
Bring forth in me, Thy Holy Grace according to Thy Will,
that all my deeds reflect the love Thou tenders mankind still.
Extend through me, Thy loving grace to all who may pass
by, that by Thy Will, they may not become spiritually bereft and truly die.
Now Lord Yeshua, this is my personal plea, empower me
with Thy Grace of True Discernment, that I may improve my walk with Thee.
Oh Death be not proud, for by His resurrection, Christ
has proven His omnipotent sovereignty over all creation exceeds thee.
This is the promise given me by Thee, Lord Adonai;
neither I nor my fellow man need be dominated by the evils of Satan’s horde.
Prayer is my primary weapon against Satan’s spiritual
strife, my asking for Thy grace aides me in my struggle within this physical
Reclaimed to the heavenly fold by Thee, I can now face
tomorrow in spiritual liberty, for I
have Thee, Lord Jesus, to protect me.
Oh Death, to mankind you appear a formidable foe, but I
in Christ Jesus need not fear your power, for He guides and holds my every
Ultimately, in Jesus’ care I need not tremble nor hide
away in fear, for with His resurrection He has shown He holds me dear.
Death be not proud, for you have no lasting power, for
only God Almighty the Creator controls existence’s every hour.