Come Holy Spirit enter my heart unworthy though I be,
that I may live my life in harmony with Thee.
Oh God, I entreat Thee, however I face persecution in
Thy name, count me guilty of their claim.
Unbind me from the chains of earthly fear and the
pressure to give homage to the things this earth holds dear.
Now in the presence of Thine enemies, let me be found
guilty of faithfully following Thy Way.
Take oh Lord this flawed vessel, fill me with Thy grace,
that I will be seen and branded as Thine own.
Make of me oh Lord, a child of Thy Word that through my
witness others may come to follow Thee.
Employ me faithfully, oh Lord, in Thy service, reveal my
deeds and prove I am truly wholly thine.
Grant me the grace to stand before Thine enemies as one
of Thy anointed oh God of Salvation.
Unburden me of all my fears, so that I can stand before
Thine enemies professing Thy mercy and love.
In Thy hands I place my heart, mind and soul, fill me
with Thy saving grace oh Lord Jesus.
Touch me oh Holy Spirit, that I may be made pleasing in
Thy sight, protect me with Thy saving might.
You are the font of salvation oh Savior, I ask of Thee
Thy presence in my life and the courage as one who is faithful to Thee-
When evil lays
it’s enticing wares before me, give me the grace of discernment, to
follow Thee.
In Thee, oh Lord, is the path of salvation, allow me the
grace to follow Thy Word.
Take me oh Lord as one of Thy own, give me the grace to
be faithful to Thee all of my days.
Hear, oh God, the voice of Thy creation, grant me Thy
grace and aide me to stay faithful to Thee.
Throughout my witness oh Lord, grant that others may
come and be graced with Thy salvation.
Hear me oh God of judgement, tender Thy loving mercy to
me and all those I encounter.
Yield nothing of my life to those who oppose Thy Will
Lord, show that I, with Thee, am in faithful accord.
My God, I call upon Thee, that in the court of iniquity,
I am found guilty of following Thee.
Allow my life to reflect Thy Will, I only have today,
make it reflect Thy Will in all that I do and say.
Replenish my heart and soul with Thy saving grace, that
in Thy arms Lord, I will find a resting place.
This, oh Holy Spirit I plea, make me in the eyes of
human judgment guilty of faithfully following Thee.
Yeshua, Thou art the font of all salvation, This gift
was brokered with Thy life for every nation.
Remember me Lord, for Thou hast offered me eternal life,
grant me the grace to claim Thy gift.
Savior mine, grant me Thy presence and grace that I may
be counted truly guilty of being Thine.