Christian, this I ask of thee and me, if on trial for
thy faith, would there be enough evidence to convict thee?
Almighty is the God you claim to serve, would you in duress rely on him or into the arms of sin
would you swerve?
Now answer me truly, if you were on trial for your faith
in Emmanuel, would there be enough evidence to soundly convict Thee or would
you be leaning towards the lures of hell?
If faithfulness to your God is the criteria, will there
be enough evidence to convict thee, or are you a faithful weekend constituent?
Nazareth raised, Bethlehem born and your Savior you
claim Him to be, do you truly believe He has come to rescue thee?
I looked in the mirror at my inquisitor – ‘me’, Lord I
prayed make it so that there is more than enough evidence to convict me of
loving Thee.
Questions, upon questions all flow past like a river to
the sea, Lord let me be convicted of loving Thee.
Unbind the shackles that restrain me from Thee, let me
be soundly convicted of clearly loving Thee.
Iniquity’s court is in session every day of the year,
each moment of life a chance to declare, oh Lord God Creator I love Thee so
The court is in daily session, with temptation at hand,
will you ride with the wicked or follow Gods plan.
Yeshua gave His life for Thee and me, would you stand
and deliver as did He, or would you stand meekly and quietly watching and let
things be.
So you claim you’re a Christian, on Sundays at least,
but the rest of the week by your daily actions do you worship the Beast?
Cash is the lucre that oft binds a man’s soul, if you’re
just a Sunday meeting christian, you’ve lost the sight of God’s goal.
Of weekend religion, the truth must be told, not one
adherent will make it to God’s heavenly fold.
Understanding and living God’s Word every day, is enough
evidence to convict those who follow
God’s way.
Remember man that thou art dust and without God’s
redemption to dust thou shall return.
The man in the mirror asks; I know you have heard, if
you were on trial this day, would there be enough to convict you of following
God’s Word ?
Christian, so you clearly claim to be, is there enough
evidence to convict thee of loving the God You claim set you free?
Observing your conduct, can I plainly see, enough
evidence to convict thee of being one who would follow Jesus even unto
Iniquities’s tree.
Now take a moment, be honest with yourself, is there
enough evidence to convict thee, or does your Bible daily sits on the shelf
just another book for all to see.
Victory in Jesus all too many claim for themselves, as
their Bibles sit at home gathering dust on the shelves.
Is there really enough evidence to convict thee, or has
following Jesus proven to be, too hard a
task for thee?
Christian, this you claim to be, but has following Jesus
interfered with the pleasures you seek, in His service have you become lukewarm
and meek?
Take it for granted, you can not be both, either declare
yourself for Jesus with true faithfulness, or be led by Iniquity to Sin’s
burning nest.
You must take a stand, are you sure that the evidence
would convict of this; that you follow Jesus in all that you do, to Him you really
remain true.
Open your eyes and see the clear truth, either you
follow Jesus in all that you do, or have an eternity for your choices to rue.
Unvail all the evidence that can convict you of loving
God, His Son and Holy Spirit too, that you may rejoice that all can convict