Brothers In Christ

Being sanctified by His loving embrace, as He commanded, we must love one

Redeemed by His blood and reclaimed by His love, so too must we love each other.

Only by claiming the blessings provided by the Son of God can we show love

This is my story, my salvation song, Jesus love me before I was born. 

His glorious mission, His great design was that The Father’s love  would
again be mine.

Each path that I travel when taken with Jesus leads joyfully to heaven above.

Redeemed by His sacrifice, reclaimed by His love I’ll soon join Jesus with the
Father’s love.

Sing we together of  the Savior’s great love, infilling our souls with
grace from above.

can trip and fall, these things have no lasting they’re no bother at all, for
Jesus answered my call.

Now brethren we ate taken to God’s great heart within  in Christ Jesus,
we’ll never part

Come Holy Spirit, Creator and Son, as long I am with you the battle is

Hear the hosannas the angels do sing as I and my brothers follow Jesus right in.

Remember the promise made by Christ the King, if we grasp the gift of grace, sin
can never win.

In Jesus  is power and eternal life, when we follow Jesus, we’ve everything
to gain.

So come with me brethren sing out in great song, for with Jesus our Redeemer
 nothing can go wrong.

This is my glorious story, I’ll tell it in song, I’ll sing of God’s love,
compassion and glory – all the day long.