Born of a virgin, no crib for a bed, in a manger of hay
the little child Jesus did lay his head.

Emmanuel slept softly that blessed   night, while angels sang and demons trembled
in fright.

Salvation’s Lamb was born that day to rescue mankind
from Satan’s evil sway.

The angels sang on that glorious night to the Lamb who
would set all things right.


Never in history had come such a night, as angels
glorified the Lamb of Salvation and Might.

Emmanuel slept as sheep grazed, angels sang and
shepherds in awe watched.

While shepherds tended their sheep, Emmanuel lay
restfully in sleep.

Salvation’s Lamb was born on that first glorious
Christmas day to show mankind the way.


Emmanuel was born to rescue mankind and lead man back
out of Evil’s sway.

Virgin mother tended her child, the Lamb Of Redemption
so tender and mild.

Emmanuel, was destined to be unceremoniously hung on a
tree to save both you and me.

Redemption was born of humble roots that day, to put
God’s plan of salvation in play.