Believe and praise Him who created all things, have
courage and stand the course He has laid out for you.

Earthly enticements and problems are fleeting things of
no true lasting worth, His gifts of grace are forever.


Stand humbly in the face of diversity, but stand in the
courage and  knowledge that all things
are His to control.

Take up your cross and let God see you through your
diversity, have courage, the end is in His hands.

Redeemed by the Son of God Himself, you have but to
praise Him and stay the course.

Only God controls the outcome of all things, let Him
guide your journey through life.

Nothing is beyond God’s power, have the courage to
follow His lead through diversity, 

God delivers according to His will, have
the strength to walk according to His will.


All things are possible for those who, in the face of
worldly censorship, have the courage to stand witness for God.

Nations and empires all crumble, but the Kingdom of
Heaven is forever, be strong in your witness.

Deny yourself the things of this earth in favor of God’s
Heavenly Kingdom, be strong in your faith.


Call upon God’s presence in your life, let His grace
bring you strength and courage.

Only by giving God control of your life can your
strength and courage endure travail.

Unyoke yourself from the chains of sin by letting God
control your life.

Remember, all things of this existence pass away, not so
God or His promises.

Almighty is the God who set you on this course, have
courage, He will stand by you all the way.

Give your all to Christ the Savior and all in time and
turn shall be given unto you.

Earthly desires and concerns may create travail, but
God’s mercy and compassionate love is forever.

Our God is omnipotent, all knowing and His love endures

Unyoke yourself from the doubters scoffing, stand fast
and with courage continue with the task God has given you.

Strength and courage are yours for the asking as long as
you look to Jesus and the Holy Spirit to be your guides.