Abide in the Word of the Lord our God and creator, His Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
Be confident in the promises of God our creator for they shall come to be.
Comfort your neighbor, as Christ has taught you, and you shall be comforted.
Deny nothing that your neighbor may need that you would not deny yourself.
Employ everything in your character to show God’s mercy in your conduct towards others.
Find a quiet place each day to commune with our Creator in His word and give Him praise.
God created all things, His majesty is all powerful, His glory is blinding, take note and praise Him.
His is the all encompassing dominion over all things, for by His Word all things were made.
In Christ’s love for man, by His sacrifice on man’s behalf, lies mankind’s salvation.
Jesus is God’s Son, acknowledge Him and His works and You shall be given eternal life.
Keep the Lord’s day holy, and treat each day as if it is the Lord’s day, for He created it all.
Love thy neighbor as God through His Son Jesus our Messiah has loved you.
Make restitution to those you have wronged, and forgive those who have wronged you..
Never take the lord’s name in vain nor curse another for their faults.
Observe the needs of others so that you may extended God’s love to them.
Pray, pray unceasingly, that you may be heard in praise and supplication at the foot of God’s throne.
Quietly do that which the Lord God has directed you, so He is glorified by your deeds in His name.
Remember man that thou art dust and to dust you shall return, but your soul in God’s service is forever.
Sing the praises of the Son of God, for He alone of all mankind is worthy, all praise the Lamb of God.
Take time to read and meditate on God’s word, for all shall be revealed in God’s time and will.
Understand that without the intervention of God’s own Son, there is no hope of eternal life.
Visions may come and go, as do prophets, kings and kingdoms, but God and His plans are forever.
We are creations of the one true God, our greatest understandings are as a gnat on the flea on a dog.
Xerxes claimed to be king of kings and fell to an assassin’s hidden knife, Christ, risen, lives on forever.
You must understand, man’s greatest vision of God falls far short of the power and majesty that is God.
Zadok means just and righteous, be righteous in your actions toward others and Christ will justify you.