Almighty God of Creation, Thou so loved the world, that
Thou sent Thine only begotten Son to reclaim my soul from the raving wolves of
God of Reconciliation, Thy Word with His unconditional
love decreed, that with His life, death and resurrection man would soon be
safely freed.
Almighty God of Healing, renew the spiritually hault and
blind, that all may see in Thee, all the awesome wonders that a grace filled
life can find.
Prepare oh Lord, this vessel to be in service to Thee
the King, so that all the hosts of Heaven may rejoice as another prodigal
child comes in.
Elohim, oh One True God, I sing of Thy salvation
and glory in humble praise, for another
Grace filled soul Thy banner to Thy glory did raise.
Lord lead me to Thy thirst quenching waters from sin’s
desert I humbly plea, that Thy loving
grace of unconditional love grow inside of me.
O h God of All Creation Thy love I plainly see, can not
be gathered by my actions, no matter what merit they may contain for it’s a
gift from Thee.
Virtue is given unto me by grace that comes from Thee,
it is Thy glorious unconditional love that set me free.
Elohim I sing in praise of Thee, You loved me before my
creation with Thy life You set me free, fill me with Thy grace so that I never
turn from Thee.