Almighty God assist me when doubt assails help me vturn
to Thee.


Fortress of Divine Redemption  allow no doubt to hinder my journey to Thee.

Almighty God, make of my life a witness pleasing to

In Your hands, I place all my decisions, no matter what
is,  where, or when needed.

Take my hand, oh Lord God, strengthen my faith with Your
grace and presence.      

Hold fast to me Oh God, my Anchor of Life, for Thou art
all  I shall ever need.

Come, guide me Lord, let everything I do bring glory to
Your Holy Name.

Holy Spirit come dwell within my heart, that I may
better serve Thy Will.     

Eternal Spirit of Creation, daily increase in me the
desire for a closer walk with Thee.

Come, bLord Jesus, guide my life’s journey so I will
arrive safely home with Thee.

Keep my faith strong, oh Holy Spirit , that I may
withstand all temptations.