My God, my Creator, Thou art the cornerstone of stability in my life, for Thou art my salvation, the Rock of eternal life.
Yes Lord, I humbly answer Thy call oh God, for who in his right mind can refuse Thy call to salvation and eternal life.
Grant me, oh Lord, Thy saving grace, keep me protected in Thy embrace, for Thine arms are stronger than stone.
Oh God of all creation, our Father who art in heaven Holy is Thy Name, Thou art the rock which can never crumble.
Deploy Thine angels around me Lord, for Thou art my rock, the foundation against which nothing can hope to prevail.
In Thee I am protected from the ravages of sin and the misleading propaganda of the unholy one, for Thou art with me.
Satan cannot prevail against Thee oh Heavenly Father, for Thou art the foundation of truth and existence itself.
Make me an instrument of Thy Will Lord, for Thy Will is the rock which withstandeth against all the assaults of sin.
Yeshua, oh Son of God, Thy love has proven priceless, for Thou has paid with Thy life for eternal life in love on our behalf.
Remember me Lord, for I am remorseful of my past and hopeful for a future, wherein Thou art my only foundation.
Oh Heavenly Father, I approach Thee hesitantly for I am not worthy of being in Thy omnipotent and loving presence.
Come by here my Lord, come by here so that in Thy passing we may receive Thy saving grace and bountiful blessings.
King pf Kings, Lord of Creation I acknowledge Thy sovereignty over all creation and that of Thy Holy Spirit in Jesus’ Name. Amen!