Aramaic words. Navi: means
speaker for God, or God’s representative. Yetstsiyb means God is truth.
When the truth is involved the future is apparent, when it is not the
consequences are also apparent.
The word
prophet is derived from the Latin word for one who foretells the future. I have
developed a problem with that translation because it emphasizes apparent
fortunetelling over God’s word. Just one man’s insight.
In light of
what I have said I invite your comment on: NAVI YETSTSIYB;
Now oh Lord, I have wrestled
with Thy angel and in this, I have used my preconceived notions as a shield to
excuse my behaviors and my earthly affectations and affiliations as evidence of
my fidelity to Thee in my futile arguments.
All things are given by Thee my Creator and the
gift of prophecy is such a small by product of Thy Word when compared with
being truly Navi, for to truly speak on Thy behalf requires the infilling of
the Holy Spirit and Thy Redemptive Grace.
Voice of God is what Navi means, and fortelling
the future is but a comparatively insignificant part of the great power those
who we mistakenly call prophets are empowered with, for the greatest power
given man is to represent Thy Holy Word.
I say mistakenly, Oh God, for ‘prophet’ can imply
fortune telling, Yetsysiyb means God is truth, Truth always gives birth to
prophecy, but focusing on prophecy as the major attribute of those truly called
to speak on Thy behalf is erronious at best.
Yetsysiyb, means God is Truth,
one must repeat this, Lord, for evey part of existence stems from this one
revealing phrase, every so called scientific discovery stems from this, Truth
is immalutable, by it’s nature unchanging.
Existence without Thee, God, is truly futile, and
has no stability or sustainability of any lasting durability, for eternal life
is not given to the sons of iniquity and the lies sown today, all give rise to
the sins we shall harvest tomorrow.
Taking heed Lord, I must remember that Thou art
Truth Inviolate, and those who stand before the congregation as Navi will be
held accountable in judgment for what they teach on Thy behalf without Thy
anointing and authority.
Speaking with the infilling of Thy Holy Grace when
I witness before men is my only protection, for if my claim to speak on Thy
behalf is false, I shall be judged and held accountable for their misguided
actions born of my teachings.
Trusting in God for that which I present as
truth to those entrusted into my care, I shall be blest, for if the
message I present is born of my own desires and dogmatic beliefs, I shall be
held accountable for their misguided actions.
Seeking first the anointing of the Holy Spirit,
then I can stand before all of mankind in humility as I witness to them in
God’s Holy Name, for on that last day, if I am not truly Navi, He will disown
In the sanctity of the Holy Spirit and the
infilling of Thy Redeeming Grace, I can stand truly Navi, for in the hubris of
my own ego, I shall truly fall, for without Thee Lord, I have no right to claim
to be an anointed speaker of Thy Holy Word.
Yetstsiyb, I call on Thee oh God my creator,
anoint my lips with Thy Sacred Word, that my every utterance is according to
Thy Will and Wisdom, and not my ego. confirm me as being Navi, for Thine every
Word is Truth and Salvation.
Bring forth in me the Grace of Salvation and
Faithfulness, aid me to always stand Navi and to be cognizant of Thee, for
great are Thy gifts Lord, and blessed is he who stands Navi, for he is filled
with Thy Holy Spirit and acts according to Thy Will.
{Deuteronony 8 Vs. 18}