Taking this time in humble adoration and thanksgiving I praise Thee Lord, for it is Thy Son Jesus Christ who has provided for our true needs, paying with His life.
Holy Son of God, I thank Thee, for taking upon Thyself the punishment for our sins as with Thine own life Thou hast paid the ransom price for such as me.
Each breath we take, each step we make, each day that passes by, is counted for the greater good of all mankind when all our deeds are taken in accord with Thy will.
Righteous are Thee, Who is Without Sin, for through Thy Divine intervention and the infilling of Thy Redeeming Grace, I am free of the shackles of evil.
I know Thou has always stood between between me and evil, In thankfulness Lord Jesus, I ask for the grace of faithfulness so that I can always stand with Thee.
God, our Father, by the Blood of Jesus our Savior we are cleansed and made pure, and made acceptable in Thy sight, aid us, in grace, to endure all travail we may face.
Holy Spirit, comfort me and dwell within my heart and soul, in Thy mercy fill me with Thy Saving Grace, Lord purify me and make me wholly acceptable in Thy sight.
Touch me and mine with Thy Redeeming Grace, oh Jesus, still all that may cause us to fear and guide us in all we do to act in accordance with Thy Omnipotent Will.
Employ me according to Thy Will Lord, Fill me with Thy Redeeming Grace as I humbly glorify Thy Holy Name, for I am thankful that it was for me You came.
Oh God of all creation, I ask for Thy protection and saving grace, for Thy protection and intervention is always needed in this spiritual war we are in.
Unlock the restrictive chains created by sin with Thy Redeeming Grace, for which Thou paid with Thy suffering, death, and resurrection, so that I may be free.
Savior, Son God, my Creator, I ask Thee to accept the glory that is Thy due, aid me, fill me with Thy Redeeming Grace to faithfully act in accordance with Thy Will.
So I sing of Thy glory oh my Creator, for Thy omnipotent accomplishments are in view for all to see and the awesome glory of creation belongs solely to Thee.
Oh glory be to Thee, for Thou art the Font of creation, salvation, perfection and redemption, instill Thy Saving Grace in me, count me as one with Thy Will.
Nurture me and mine Lord with Thy Redeeming Grace, accept our humble praise to Thee Lord God and from our souls banish all sin without a trace.
Glory be to Thee of Heavenly Father, we humbly raise our voices in song to Thee, for by Thy merciful infilling of Redeeming Grace, we now gratefully belong to Thee.