God, in my acceptance of Thy just sovereignty over my life, Thou has gifted me with a new birthright, Redeeming Grace garnered by Thy Son Jesus and Eternal Life with Thee in Heaven.

Our Father, Thou who dwells in Heaven, infill me with the Redeeming Grace Thy Son Jesus Christ paid so dearly for with His life, suffering, death and resurrection, for I need reconciliation with Thee.

Often like a petulant child, I fail to follow Thy directives, in my impatience to have the things I desire over that which is necessary for my spiritual health, I foolishly pull away from Thee.

Demand of me what Thou requires of me, only come by here my Lord and Savior, for left to my own devices and finite will, I shall surely suffer the consequences of a life lived without Thy leadership.


Defend me Lord from the blind decisions I will invariably be guilty of, for decisions made in variance with Thy Will, often leads to a life without Thy presence and protection, ending in permanent death.

Each day, Heavenly Father, is given unto me by Thy sufferance, a new chance to grasp Thy hand for spiritual guidance, to claim the gifts that Thy Son Jesus Christ, suffered so cruelly for on my behalf.

Come by here my Lord God of truly Omnipresent Love, let Thy shadow fall upon me, grant me Thy Healing Grace that I may see Thee more clearly and feel Thy presence in my life more securely.

Invariably life without Thee oh Lord Jesus will end in death, for Thou art the only Way home, source of truth and light in the darkness, from Thee stems the Grace of Redemption and Reconciliation with God.

Secure for me the Grace of Redemption and Reconciliation, that I may be given the opportunity to look upon the face of the Father with reverence and awe, and enter the kingdom of heaven.

In Thee, oh Holy Spirit, I place all that I am, I love, support and serve, for being born of Eve I am incapable of lasting merit without Thy guidance, active protection and redeeming love.

Oh God,we pray for the children of Israel, who this day are in need of Thy lovingĀ  protection, for they are under assault spiritually, physically, emotionally and mentally by the forces of evil in this world.

Nurture us with Thy love, forgive us with Thy Redeeming Grace, strengthen us with Thy Healing Grace, claim us as Thine own as we humbly approach Thy throne proclaiming Thy true sovereignty.

Savior, Jesus, accept my prayers on behalf of myself, my family, my church and my fellow humans, grant us and all we serve, support and love, the infilling of Thy Redeeming and Healing Grace.