Take me oh Lord into the safety of Thy embrace, for the clock is ticking and my walk without Thee is as a blind man crossing a busy intersection.

Hear my prayers, oh God my Creator, take me under Thy wing, for time waits for no man and without Thee, Lord life is wasted and without lasting merit.

Elohim Thou art Eternally God, there is no one like Thee, my days are numbered and my exit from earth predestined, without Thy grace my days are wasted.


Come Holy Spirit comfort me in my travail, for without Thee my travails are truly insurmountable and my heart is over burdened by them.

Lord Jesus, the clock is ticking, I know not the day or the hour that heralds the return of Thee, my Savior, for in truth no man is privy to that information.

Our Father, who am I to claim foreknowledge of Thy Son’s eventual return, did He not say that the day and hour of His return shall be known to no man?

Common men, seeking public acclamation, promise much, even claiming foreknowledge of Thy Son’s eventual return, protect me from their lies my Lord.

Keep me close, oh God of Israel, for much like mindless sheep, I am prone to wander from Thy path, thus I am in sore need of Thy grace and guidance.


Insure my time, so it is not wasted on the things of this earth oh Lord Jesus, for as the clock is ticking, all earthly wealth and acclimation shall end.

Savior of mankind, Thou has opened up a valuable opportunity for all mankind to grasp, the clock is ticking, help me not to waste Thy gift of eternal life.


Thou art God the Omnipotent, there is nothing that Thou cannot do and nothing that Thou cannot see, even the return of Thy Son Jesus is known to Thee.

I call upon Thee, Oh Lord Jesus, to guide me in the the path of righteousness, for it is narrow, and without Thee all that I may accomplish shall be for nought.

Catch me when I falter Lord Jesus, for my steps are unsteady without Thy guidance and my heart falters without Thy Healing Grace to sustain me.

Keep me near Thee, steady my faltering steps, strengthen my walk with Thee, refresh my spirit oh Lord, for the clock is steadily ticking until Thy return.

Invigotate me, Lord, for I am weak, help me to be ready for Thy return, oh Savior of mankind, for time waits for no man and the clock is still steadily ticking.

Nurture in me the spiritual character that Thou desires me to have, for it is fitting that I glorify Thee according to Thy will while the clock is still steadily ticking.

Grant that my eyes shall see Thy coming Lord Jesus, my heart be found true to Thy Word, and my soul be found always pleasing in Thy Sight, oh God.