All things born of grace eventually will come to those who’s faithfulness is empowered by the Holy Spirit and Christ’s omnipresent love.

Make no mistake, I know this is true, it is the journeys guide that is important, for when you journey with Christ your safe arrival home is assured.

Each moment of your life is a moment that can be utilized in praise of He from whom all life stems, this takes the grace of faithfulness.

Now is my only accessible moment, for the past can’t be undone and the future is yet to be won, for me to be thankful for Christ’s hard win. 




As the sun’s distance is from the earth so too is the distance God places between iniquity and the forgiven, when in faith we turn to Him

My sins by His decree are forgiven me when I call on Him repenting my sins and He’ll do the same for thee.

Each time spent in prayer, the Holy Spirit comforts thee and through God’s forgiving grace, all is forgiven thee.

Now is thy moment, only now is given thee, for precious and few are the moments in our lives when we are willing to ask for His forgiveness.




As life would have it known, in absolute truth, we owe each breath we take to God’s merciful sufferance.

Many men listen to the evil one speaking within their hearts denying His existence, separating themselves from God.

Echoing these men, others deny themselves His presence in their lives by their actions towards others.

Never be too busy to grant Him access to your heart, fortunate is the heart that joyfully grants Him entry.




Allow nothing to take precedence before your relationship with God, His Son and the Holy Spirit.

Make no alliance that fails to include the presence of Christ as your guide, for it will not truthfully endure.

 Encourage your loved ones to love as Christ has loved, love God first, then extend that love to all men.

Nurture the seed of love within your heart by loving God, following His Son  and accepting the Holy Spirit 




Almighty God worked wonders creating that which exists and man through blind sin, lost the wonder of it all.

Magnificent were God’s works and his compassion for the lost that He sent His only begotten Son to the rescue.

Emmanuel came in love to fulfill biblical promise and the Holy Bible is the only document that reveals it all in truth.

Nothing spells out love greater than this; Jesus Christ gave His life for me and His resurrection set me free for He loves me!




Almighty God, I find it hard sometimes to understand how Thee can love such a man as me, for much I have done has obviously offended Thee.

Mercy is what I need Lord and Thou in love provided it for me when Thou took my sins to Thee for me and hung upon Golgotha’s tree.

Even as I offended Thee in act, Thou called out to the Father and forgivingly rescued me and by Thy resurrection set me free.

Now, oh Lord, I pray that Thou fill me with Thy redeeming grace and in my heart take up every space.




All that I can offer Thee Lord Jesus falls far short of the price Thou hast paid to rescue such as me, Lord I bow before Thee on bended knee.

My God, I cry out to Thee, in humble supplication, Lord I plea for Thy grace filled intervention and forgiveness for my blindly errant nation.

Each day, it seems, this country of mine forgets its historic spiritual roots and falls deeper into the grasping clutches of real spiritual disaster.

Nurture us, oh Lord my God, wash away our sins and grant us the gift of eternal life with Thee, for without Thy presence, there is no future.




Almighty God Thou has control over all things that exist, therefore I place all that exists of importance in my life in Thy omnipotent hands.

Make of us Thy Warriors Lord, fill us with Thy nurturing grace, take charge of our lives Lord Jesus so that we may serve Thee in our live’s race.

Each day with Thy Redeeming Grace aid us in our travails and make Thy Holy Presence known, Lord Jesus, as we strive to do Thy Will.

Nurture my loved ones oh Heavenly Father, feed them with Thy Healing and Redeeming Grace,99 that they may rely faithfully on Thee.




As I look at the accomplishments of the race of man, I find them quite impressive and yet, not one can compare to the wonder inherent in Thy creations Lord.

Many things the race of man has done through the ages, but the real wonder is that Thou has created existence itself and man along with it, for Thou created all.

Each breath we take, each minute of our lives from birth’s first breath, has been given unto us by Thy loving and compassionate sufference oh God.

Now the true wonder inherent that surpasses all things that exist, is the fact that Thou sent Thy only begotten Son to rescue fallen man.




All churches have their flaws, for they are run by men, and yet we are blest, simply because man could not create a perfect god, but the Perfect God created man, 

Make of your life as you will, encourage achievement at every turn, leave God out of it and all will be buried like trash in a landfill, guide us Lord Jesus we plea.

Each day is a gift from the Perfect God, not one created by man, and He awaits with love to reward you with eternal life and perfect liberty in grace.

Now we can point to science or to nature as some enthusiastically will, but it’s true, God is the source of all creation and thus all exists at His Will.




Argument often cause invisible trauma that can cause more harm than physical blows, acting much like a lit fuse to a stick of dynamite, it can destroy life..

Meanness creates an atmosphere of bullying, bullying creates an invisible trauma of hatred that can erupt and destroy lives years later, heal us Lord..

Each day, I have to strive to love my neighbor and provide the existence of brotherly love, as Jesus Christ has declared that we, His children must do.

Nurture thy neighbor with love, as God’s grace nurtures you, for Jesus our Source has plainly stated;  that we must love our neighbor as He has loved us..




Almighty God, I am Thankful that Thou has never forgotten me, as sometimes I have forgotten Thee.

Morning dawns and all too often I forget to thank you for the nights rest and the days coming blessings. 

Evening comes and all too often I fail to thank Thee for the journey, as Thou has been with me every step of the way.

Now I lay me down to sleep, for my many blessings I thank Thee Lord Jesus, 

instead of counting sheep.




All of my life, before I ever came to Thee Lord Jesus, was paid for in Thy suffering, bloody death and glorious resurrection which set me free.

Moment by moment Lord God, Thou has journeyed faithfully alongside me waiting for the moment I would acknowledge my dependence on Thee.

Each step I took in my life’s journey was closely attended by Thee Lord Jesus for it was Thy loving sacrifice on my behalf that finally set me free.

Now Lord Jesus, I thank Thee for all the love Thou has bestowed on me, and ask this of Thee, that I receive the redeeming grace needed to remain with Thee.




All my needs are supplied by Thee oh gracious God, for Thy Son has blest me with redemption.

May I prove to be pleasing in Thy sight through the grace Thy Son Jesus has provided for me.

Each day I thank Thee, Jesus for the grace that empowers me to do Thy will as one who is joyfully free.

Now Thou suppleth all my needs in grace and I thankfully render Thee my praise for all Thou hast done for me..




As stories are told, this one’s not for the faint hearted, it’s about a Father who loved so many so much that He allowed His only begotten Son to suffer and die for all mankind.

 Maybe, you’ve heard the story of how one individual, in perfect accord with His Father’s Will, allowed Himself to be captured by His enemies, put to death and still granted them forgiveness.

Elohim’s Son; Jesus Christ rose from the dead, reasserted His Divine Authority over all things and granted mankind salvation for the asking.

Now read the entire gospel and proclaim this truth; the glory of the Father, Lord God, our Creator, His Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit endureth forever!




 Almighty God, Thou had tested Thy servant Abraham demanding the sacrifice of his only begotten son, Isaac, he obeyed Thee and at the last moment Thou provided a substitute sacrifice.

Moreover, when the time of ultimate sacrifice came, Thou provided Thy only begotten Son,Jesus, and allowed Him to be sacrificed, for there was no offering in creation worthy of His substitution.

Elohim, Thou allowed Thy Son, Jesus, to suffer and die for my iniquities, and by His resurrection granted me grace and the promise of eternal life with Thee in heaven.

Now Lord, I request Thy redemptive and healing grace to give me the discernment and strength to obey Thy Will in all I attempt to accomplish as had Abraham in days of yore.




As the sun appears to sink into the western sky, we are reminded that what the human eye can perceive is often shrouded in misconception, but the eye of God sees all, in spite of deception.

Man, in his finite wisdom, often may postulate mightily upon the many things he may encounter, thus creating many theories, but only Thee, oh God can be certain of the actual truth.

Each generation of educated man has held many fine theories about absolutes, holding them to be true, only to have it -embarrassingly revealed to be a convincing lie.

Now oh Lord Jesus, with absolute trust in Thy ability to guard me from the grasp of the evil one, I lay my head in Thy lap to sleep, for Thou art with me in all I do.




Almighty God, we ask in humble accordance with Thy Will, that Thy chosen people Israel be safeguarded from the evil enemies that assail them.

Make for Thy people Israel and those who love, support and serve them in their hour of need, a shield to protect them and a sword to repel their enemies, oh Lord.

Employ our prayers Lord Jesus as fuel to funnel Thy Redeeming Grace to Thy people Lord, that the evil which assails them be summarily defeated.

Now and in the hour of our transition from this Earth to the realm of our spiritual existence, we call upon Thy Holy Name glorifying Thee always Lord Jesus.!




Assembling together Lord Jesus, we Thy children, humbly request Thy presence in our hearts, our homes and our lives so that our nation may return to Thee.

Make us Thy prayer warriors Lord Jesus, so that what we ask of Thee is always according to Thy Omnipotent Will, thereby 

manifesting itself in all of our actions.

Enable us Oh Lord Jesus to stand fast in faithfulness to Thee in our works, our intentions and prayers, we are not worthy of thy love, but command and it shall be.

Nurture in us the ability to love all men, even our enemies as Thee commanded and shown by Thy example Lord Jesus, while on the tree on infamous Golgotha.




Almighty God,Thy Son, has endured much on my behalf, His suffering, death and resurrection granted me audience with Thee, cleanse me so that I may be pleasing in Thy sight, I ask of Thee.

Make me fit to be in Thy vanguard and grant me absolution for my sins, as Thy only begotten Son Jesus Christ granted me absolution for my many crimes against him, oh Father God.

Employ me oh Lord God so that my every deed is according to Thy Divine Will, fill me with Thy Redeeming Grace so that nurtured, I act according to Thy Will, for Thou art our True Heavenly Father.

Nurture me, Oh Lord God of Abraham, with Thy Sustaining Grace, for without Thy sustenance I am much like a tree without water in the desert and shall perish without Thy Grace.




Adonai we gather together to ask Thy blessing on behalf of those who have fallen victim to the honeyed lies of Satan, the father of all lies, grant them the grace of Salvation which Thy Son Jesus has procured for them at such great cost.

Magnify and declare our efforts truly acceptable in Thy Sight oh God, aid our love to shine like a beacon filled with the glory of Thy Saving Grace that the lost may come forward dancing and singing, witnessing in great joy of Thy glory.

Employ us in Thy great work oh God, for as Thy servants we shall attain that which defines Thy chosen people, the joy of the Lord which is our strength, for as Thy people we follow Thy edicts with a joyful heart, demanding nothing, yet gaining all.

Nurture us, oh Lord Jesus  give us each the full measure of grace possible so that in all things we remain faithful to Thy purpose, ceeding nothing to Satan, the prince of all lies, as we joyfully claim Thy sufferance, protection and true prosperity.




All things are possible for those who accede to Thy will, oh Lord Jesus, as Thou has stated, Thy Will is subject to the Will of the Father of all creation, for there is none like Him in all the ages, even unto the creation of known existence for great is our God the Creator of existence.

Maker of all the things, worlds and creatures both seen and unseen, we call upon Thee in humble supplication to render to us the gifts of eternal life Thy Son Yeshua has with His own life so dearly purchased for us, undeserving though we be as inheritors of Adams legacy of sin.

Elohim, oh God of all existence, suffer not the assaults of the evil one, he who would greedily and unjustly claim for himself Thy throne oh Most High, for he is defeated as surely as man draws breath in this the temporary state of existence, as all who follow him shall also be defeated.

Nurture us with the power of Thy Holy Redemptive Grace, that we may be found worthy in Thy eyes oh Lord, grant us Thy protective buckler, Thy sword of truth and the shield created by Thy legions of angels, that we may enter the gates of heaven as Thy redeemed children.



Angels, we have heard on high the herald’s shouts, for born in a little town of little worth in the eyes of man, to a couple of small stature in the eyes of wealthy society is the greatest gift of love ever offered, the Lamb of God; Jesus Christ.

Master of all creation, the Son of God our Creator, this awesome Lamb of God, lay as a helpless babe, swaddled in cloth, with a choir of angels looking on as shepherds tended their flocks and man’s redemption began to unfold.

Elohim’s Son Jesus grew up as man, 

suffered grievously on behalf of man, was put to death and rose again in glory to put to flight the Satan’s agents and give fallen mankind the freedom to choose to follow Him into God’s heaven as His children.

Now we in humble thanksgiving, do proclaim, as Thy angels heralded His birth, that Thou art the living God, Jesus Thy Son, our protector and the Holy Spirit our Comforter and though we may be persecuted, we belong to Thee oh God.




Almighty God we can call Thee, for Thy Son, Yeshua did pay the price for our redemption with His life, giving us the privilege to call Him our brother and as such, the right to call Thee Father.

M,aster we gather together to ask of Thee Thy blessings both for ourselves and those who are blinded by the the grasping darkness which is created by the prince of perdition to misguide men 

Elohim Thy existence was created by no man, for all things both visible and invisible stem from from Thy Word most Holy and in reverence of The first commandment we call on Thee..

Nurture in us oh God, the desire to serve Thee, with all of our hearts, minds and souls, for Thou has lent Thy Son Jesus to be our Advocate and in spite of our mistreatment of Thy Son, through His suffering, death and resurrection Jesus has freed us from Satan’s grip.




Accept oh Lord the prayers of Thy rescued children.

Make straight our path through travail to Thee.

Employ our efforts in accordance with Thy divine Will.

Nurture us in grace that we may be faithful to Thee.


Almighy God, make me an instrument of Thy saving grace that I may hear Thee say to me: “Well done my good and faithful servant, welcome home.

Make me a lover of mankind according to Thy decree as Thy example Lord Jesus, so that I may genuinely love my fellow man as Thou has loved me.

Employ my heart, mind and soul according to Thy Will oh God, for Thou knowest all things because Thou has created all things. 

Now and in my final hours on this earth , be Thou with me Lord Jesus, for with Thee at my side I shall never falter nor lose my way home to Thee.



All things of this existence are temporary and shall pass, but the Word of God is inviolate as Is God, and His Holy Word shall exist forever.

Material worth is impressive in this life but putting material wealth before God in importance is fallacy, for the things of this life are temporary.

Employ thy efforts in the amassing of the spiritual assets gained for you by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, as only they are truly everlasting.

Not one of the assets of this earth are everlasting, not one will gain for you a seat in heaven, only Jesus can safely guide you home.




Ask and it shall be given unto you in accordance with God’s omnipotent Will.

Make the effort to search for God’s grace and it will be found in abundance.

Enter by knocking on heaven’s door in faith and it shall open in welcome.

Now is the time of decision, accede to God’s will and accept His grace.



As I give of my time, my skills and my talents let my thoughts be of Thee oh Heavenly Father.

Master, let my deeds always be pleasing in Thy sight, as Thou has forgiven my transgressions.

Enter into my heart Lord, take control of my life, guide my steps away from sin and closer to Thee.

Now is all I have, Lord, let my every breath be a tithe to Thee, help me to love my fellow man.




Almighty God, infill my fellow veterans with Thy healing grace, granting them the serenity that only Thou can bestow.

My God, grant my fellow veterans the serenity of knowing they served in accordance with Thy Divine Will.

Enter into their hearts fill them with Thy presence, grant them peace, as only Thou can bestow, oh Lord God.

Nurture them with Thy Redeeming Grace, enable them to walk without the mental trauma that often shadows them.




Almighty God, open our eyes that we may see how great Thou art.

Mend our hearts, minds and souls Lord Jesus, so that we may love our neighbor as Thou has loved us.

Enable us, with Thy Holy Grace, to approach Thy Word with the desire to know Thee more clearly. 

Nurture our hearts, minds and souls so that we may be more pleasing in Thy sight oh Heavenly Father.




As I wait on Thy return oh Lord Jesus, I read the scriptures concerning Your birth, life, betrayal, torture, death and resurrection, at first I feel dismay.

My rising misgivings are caused by this glaring fact; that when God’s Word lists the things abhorrent to Him, I can easily fit my name to any one of them.

Eventually those misgivings are replaced with joy, for in spite of my transgressions, I was awarded a pardon from all of my transgressions by Thee.

Now, I can face all the travails that will come my way, for Thou, God’s Son, Jesus through Your life, death and resurrection, has rescued me.




Almighty God from the beginning Thou hast loved me, creating me with such care that even the hairs on my head are numbered by Thy love of me.

My God, it is because of Thy great love for me, Thy Son Jesus, suffered, died and was resurrected to restore me to grace and Thy kingdom in heaven.

Elohim Thy great love had rescued me and though grace provided Thy Holy Spirit to comfort and guide me as I endure the trials that come my way,

N low and in the hours of my travail, I ask that Thou should be at my side for  there is no obstacle that any man may face that can withstand Thy Divine will.




Almighty God we gather together via the web to pray for each other and for the families who have lost loved ones recently.

 Make of this gathering of the faithful a strong light unto the world and disperse the darkness which hides the grasping evil within.

Enable our prayers with Thy acceptance Lord Jesus and activate the Redeeming grace that Thou had procured for us at so a great price.

Nurture us, oh Omnipotent God, for Thy children are in need of Thy guidance and protection from evil, and we ask for Thy Redeeming Grace.




Almighty God, we seek Thy protection from the lord of popular opinion and easy lies, we acknowledge that without Thy presence and guidance in our lives we are forfeit to the manipulations of the prince of perdition.

M ake a testimony of our lives to the omnipotent glory that is Thine own, for nothing can prevail against Thy omnipresent and omnipotent power and Will, for Thou hast created all that exists, both visible and invisible.

Each day is given as a gift to all men not to be wasted on a journey of convenience and avarice, but rather as a testimony to Thy Omnipresence, for Thou art the Lord of Creation, the embodiment of Truth for in the beginning was the Word.

Now, oh Lord is all we have, for yesterday can not be visited, what is done – is done and cannot be changed and tomorrow is guaranteed to no one except Thee, grant us Thy presence Lord, infill us with Thy Redeeming Grace to resist Satans lies.



As  we face the tremendous trend toward earthly conformity, we call upon Thee oh God to protect us.

Make of us Thy servants, faithfully holding unto Thy Word, for without Thee we can never be truly free.

Every step we take, we ask for Thy guidance oh Lord God, as without Thee we are eternally lost.

Now, Lord, is all I have and I lay before Thee all that I am or ever shall be, as Thine to do as Thou will.

