Lord, my sight is limited, as is the ability of my mind, to even begin to comprehend the magnitude and omnipresence of Thy Gracious Mercy, Unfathomable Love and Omnipotent Power.
Often I look into my own understanding of what has come to fruition in my life, only to find the fruits of my work bitter and without true substance, for without Thy blessing nothing has lasting substance.
Oh God most high, grant me Thy Saving Grace, look after me Lord, for despite my protestations to the contrary, this errant child is not capable of withstanding the lures of iniquity without Thee.
Keep me within Thy sight oh Heavenly Father, Holy Spirit comfort me, Son of God defend me, for nothing that is within any man’s power can succeed in repelling Satan’s grasp without Thee.
Unfathomable is the depth of Thy Love for the errant creation that are the sons of Adam and Eve, for Thou hast arranged for their redemption through the Sacrifice of Thy Son Jesus.
Place Thy hands upon this man’s breast, that I may be filled with the Grace of Thy Divine Holy Spirit, accept within Thy Omnipotent Will my prayers on behalf of all his fellow men.
Observe and correct this child’s many tendencies to fall short of Thy Will, for any approach toward salvation can only be achieved by the infilling of Thy Redeeming and Healing Grace
Nurture in me the fruits of Thy Redeeming Grace that I may be found to be Thy faithful servant, always abiding in Thee, Thy works to perform in accordance with Thy omnipresent Will.
Make of me my Lord. an instrument of Thy omnipresent Will, allow my every deed to be done in accordance with Thy will and sufficient thereof to glorify Thy most precious Name
Elohim, I beseech Thee, look upon me, grant me and mine the infilling of Thy Holy Redeeming Grace, for without Thy grace, my very existence contains no lasting substance.
Look upon me Lord, for I am unworthy of Thy largess, yet by Thy invitation I humbly crave Thy mercy and the forgiveness of my errant ways and the infilling Thy Divine Saving Grace.
Oh Heavenly Father, cleanse me in the blood of the Lamb Thy Son Jesus, allow me Thy forgiveness of my sins and the guidance of Thy Divine Holy Spirit, I plea.
Redeemer, I call on Thee, aide me in the fulfillment of Thy Divine Will, so that all my deeds serve to glorify Thy Father and Thy Will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Defend me oh God from my tendencies to take charge in areas that Thou has not authorized me to, for my abilities contain no lasting merit without Thy direction and sanction.