As I lie in this hospital bed, I find myself contemplating the awesome gift Jesus has given me, and I am reminded that in the garden of Gethsemane, Jesus Christ asked that His Father take away the travail that He was going through.
Note; in spite of the mental and spiritual agony He was going through, even to the point of hematohydrosis, …that is; the sweating of blood, Jesus completed His prayer by acknowledging His Father’s Will had to be done.
D esperation quite often follows the struggles we are involved in, just as pain quite often accompanies the illness or travail we face and yet, like Jesus Christ before us….we must end our supplications with…Thy Will be done!
This act of trust is not an easy thing to come to, for it requires submission and absolute trust in God’s ability to control the final result of our travail in a manner that would end in a solution that is of itself ultimately perfect.
He has often answered my pleas to remove my travail with; I promised that I would see you through your travail, I never implied that I would take it away, for all things must come to fruition according to the Father’s Divine Will, not yours.
Elohim’s Son knelt in agony knowing what He would be going through, yet in prayer He accepted the fact, that in order to reconcile the children of Adam and Eve with His Father in Heaven, ultimately His Father’s Will had to take precedence.
All things and events eventually fulfill the Will of the Father, there are times when it is His Will that a travail is taken away, yet more often than not, we must endure travail, relying on the fact that Jesus’ will see us through the travails we encounter.
Nothing of this existence is permanent, neither praise nor condemnation, nor wealth nor poverty, sickness nor health nor life, for it all ends in death, for only the Wisdom and Will of God is permanent.
Say thy prayers in supplication, oh sons of Adam, present thy needs, oh daughters of Eve, always with the knowledge that all things must eventually come together in the fullness of time according to God’s Omnipotent Will, not your finite will.
Whatever travail you may face in this life, you can rely upon Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit to be with thee throughout the existence of your travail, for whatever the travail is, it will undoubtedly end as all things born of this life shall end.
Each day that you give your life over to the Father’s Will results in a day of triumph, for you will be guided and comforted by the Holy Spirit as Jesus promised when he paid for our final victory with His obedience to the Father.
Remember man, sin entered the world when Adam and Eve disobeyed the mandate that God gave to them regarding the tree of life, the sin was in the act of disobedience, how they disobeyed is immaterial, the act of disobedience is sin.
It is the act of disobedience that stained the souls of all mankind, for sin severed the connection we would otherwise have had with God our Creator, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory that is God our Omnipotent Creator.
Salvation furnished by our Lord Jesus Christ, God’s only begotten Son, is the answer to the question of how man could be reconciled with his Creator, for we must acknowledge Jesus Christ as the Son of God in order to gain that salvation.