Almighty God, let me not be caught up in the daily tasks of life to the detriment of the lessons I need to safeguard my soul.
My spiritual needs are many Lord, for it is the tendency of the sons of Adam to be blinded by the temptations of this earth.
Original sin came to be, when in spite of their walks with Thee, Adam and Eve failed Thee and fell into sinful disgrace.
Denied Thy presence by the act of the first of men, we were restored to Thee by the redemptive act of Thy Son Jesus Christ.
Each day brings forth fresh temptations Lord, but Thy Sacrifice on our behalf has garnered for us the grace to resist.
Lord, Thy grace, when we acknowledge Thee, lifts us from the bowels of iniquity to the heights of eternal life with Thee.
Flood my heart, mind and soul with Thy healing grace, lift me and mine up onto Thy bosom Lord and comfort usĀ
One life, Thine, was taken for the benefit of all mankind so that all men would gain the opportunity to be shriven of their sins.
Receive oh sons of Adam, Salvation’s gift, for Christ is Salvation itself, claim Him and be reconciled with thy God, the Creator.
Prepare ye the way of the Lord, that ye may gain eternal life and a place is set for thee in the House of God thy Creator.
Reluctantly, I humble myself Lord, for my foolish ego is a great stumbling block in my acceptance of Thy gift of redemption.
Always Thou art near, for even as I have drawn away from Thee, Thou hast, with Thy Omnipotent Love, stayed near me.
Yeshua, Son of He who created the seen and unseen, Thou hast paid such a terrible price in order to free such as me.
Elohim, how loved I must be by Thee that Thou sent Thine only begotten Son to the fields of iniquity to rescue such as me.
Renew me, oh Holy Spirit, for without Thy redeeming grace I all too often fail to remember what God has wrought.