Yeshua, Son of God, we claim Thy forgiveness and Your largesse of eternal life, grant us Your grace of faithfulness in Thee.

Employ us in Thy service oh Lord God of Existence, for after all we belong to Thee, for Thou art the Only One True God of all Creation, Yeshua.

Sanctify us and make of us Thy vassals, for Yeshua, with out Thy guidance we are as the unfortunate ones lost in the land of desolation.

Yes, You Are the Breath of Life, the Sustainer of Existence, the Beginning and the End of all things, it is written; in the beginning was the Word…

Oh God Yeshua, we acknowledge that Thou art the One True God, all others are the creation of man’s feeble attempts to define Thee.

Unbind us Lord, from the yoke of oppression that securely binds us to the overloaded wagon of Sin’s lures of deception, despair and slavery.

Accept our prayers, psalms and entreaties for Your guidance, for yes You are, the ultimate and only guide to eternal life in Thee, oh Lord Yeshua.

Receive, oh Lord God, the exaltations of Thy errant creations as is Thy justified due, for yes You are the One True God and all honor, worship and glory are Thy just due.

Elohim, Lord God of creation, Triumvirate God, Yeshua saves us and Yes You Are the one true God oh Holy Spirit.