Wait upon me Lord I cried and felt He had not heard.

Hollering louder, I called again and apparently received no reply.

Eager to gain His attention, I called again, least He passed  me by.

Not a sound nor movement showed He heard my willful strident cry.

God, I cried out when ever felt I needed Him, then went my own willful way.

Oh I walked my path, not heeding His narrow way.

Demanding of Him His grace and love according to my will.

In great frustration, thus, I called again and received not even a sigh.

Shouting, calling,  sometimes making fun, I continued my own way.

Savior mine, You said not a word in reproof, but heard my every word.

In You love is personified, yet I failed to see how much You truly love me.

Lord you gave Your life to rescue me from eternal death before I said a word.

Emanuel You quietly answered my prayer long before I called out to You, I hadn’t seen nor heard.

Note, all You asked in return was faithfulness, my Lord, this is true.

Truth is also my Lord, Your loving heart had heard my every word.