Thou art the One True God, come oh Lord and claim Thy
children that we may enjoy Salvation in Thee, we pray.
Our deeds are nothing Lord if done without Thy Will,
grant that all of our deeds may Thy glory truly fulfill.
Take this prayer oh Lord and fill our every need, for
without Thy Will all we accomplish is just one empty deed.
Hold unto Thy heart, oh Lord, this errant little man,
for without Thee he would be lost and never free again.
Emmanuel, God with us, I exclaim with joy, in Thy great
love You took all of my blame, so Heaven I could claim.
Bright Star of Redemption, I laud on bended knee, Son
of God, as beloved Savior Emmanuel, I exclaim; it’s Thee.
Lord Jesus, Son of God, born to free all men from sin,
all honor and glory I render unto Thee on bended knee.
Elohim, I call to Thee in humble supplication, accept my
apology for not acting according to Thy Dictation.
Savior of mankind, bring forth the grace I need to be
free of sin’s grasp and joyfully follow Thee into eternity.
Sing I the praises of Thee, the One True King Jesus in
gratitude for the salvation Thou didst bring.
Emmanuel, Thou hast come into the world to redeem it’s
inhabitants from the chains forged of Evil’s dominion.
Deny not Lord, the grace we need to destroy the chains
of sin that fetter us, that we may be free in Thee.
Receive our prayers and praises Lord, they are Your just
due, for in Thee resides Life and Salvation true.
Emmanuel, Your grace is mine to claim, when I
acknowledge that your sovereignty is over my life’s domain.
Defend me from the mighty foe, for I, alone, am unable
to accomplish Thy Will and Satan’s evil hounds me still.
Enter my heart, mind and soul, that in Thy Will I can be
still and not by denominational traditions chained.
Enter my heart, mind and soul that I may be discerning
according to Thy Holy Will and empowering grace.
Make me an instrument of Thy Will, that all I encounter
may view Thy Omnipotence and glory, oh God.
Equipt me with the power and means to glorify Thee in
spite of what I may face in the journey that is this life.
Redeemer of mankind, do not let me be enslaved by denominational ritual, but
make Thy Will for me habitual.