To God Be The Glory
Thou art worthy of all the accolades that man can
bestow, for Thy works, oh Lord, are beyond comparison.
Oh God of creation, Thy works are wondrous, indeed they
are far beyond the comprehension of man.
Glory be to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit for Thou art
the foundation of all creation, and glorious redemption.
Omnipotent and omnipresent Thou art and in Thee all
things are brought to blessed fruition according to Thy will.
Deliver us from all evil that we may live our lives
praising Thee, according to Thy omnipotent will.
Born of a virgin, You humbled Yourself and lay in a
manger, Your humble birth, heralded by angels began our walk to salvation.
Elohim’s Son, man’s Salvation, from the beginning all
life came from You and this continues to be true.
Thou art the Alpha and Omega, in You all things begin
and all shall end according to Thy omnipotent will.
Hear oh Lord the prayers and praises of Thy people, for
Thou art worthy of all praise and glory.
Elohim’s Son, we are grateful for Thy love, for all
salvation stems from the grace and power of Thy love.
God, You so loved the world, You sent Your only begotten
Son to reclaim and rescue mankind.
Love omnipresent, You allowed Your Son to humble Himself
in order to rescue the sons of Adam, thus we praise and glorify Thee.
Our salvation cometh of the love and the glory that is
Your existence, for this we praise Thee and render Thee worship R edeemed by
Your love we Thy children render Thee the worship and glory that is Your just
Yeshua we praise and glorify Thy Holy Name, saying to
God be the glory for Great things He has done.