Thou art the sole guide to eternal life with Thee, oh
Lord God of Grace and Redemption, fill us with Thy grace, and guide us home to

Hear our prayers Lord, for we are in sore need of
discourse with Thee, for the way of Truth is narrow and hazardous without Thy

Enter our hearts, minds and souls that we may not stray
from Thee, grant us the Salvation Jesus Thou hast so painfully procured for me.


Winding throughout the forests of deception and
destruction we cannot survive without Thy guidance and omnipotent protection
Lord Jesus.

Accept oh God Yeshua, our pleas for Thy loving guidance,
that we may arrive safely home with Thee, as we acknowledge; Yes You Are Truly

Yeshua, You lived, suffered and died so that we may be
reconciled with our Father in Heaven, grant us the grace to follow Thy guidance
in all things.


Thou art the source of all things that exist, thus Thou
art the embodiment of all truth that exists, grant us the grace to follow Thy
Way of Truth.

Hear our prayers Lord, for we are in sore need of Thy
merciful protection, grant us the grace to follow Thee in all things according
to Thy Divine Will.

Employ Thy grace unto Thy children Lord, as they seek to
find Your rules in scientific knowledge , grant them the wisdom to acknowledge
Thee always.


Take up our battles on our behalf with Thy Heavenly
Truth, for only the truth can set mankind free, and truth can only be found in
Thee, Lord God.

Recover Thy errant servants Lord from the land of the
lost, justify our existence with Thy truth, we plea, as we seek solace and
refuge in Thee.

Unbind us from the shackles created by the lord of lies,
for his lies blind us to grace, expose them and set us free with Thy grace and
truth, we plea.

Take us into Thy Heart oh Lord God of Redemption, for
only under Your protection can we truly and safely be counted free according to
Thy Will.

Hold our hearts, souls, and minds close to You Lord; so
that we will avoid the contaminations of this world and live according to Thy


Almighty God of Creation, Thou art the substance of
truth, grant us sight of Thy Truth with Thy blessings so our actions always
glorify Thy Will.

Nothing can exist without Thy sustaining presence Lord
of All Existence, sustain us with Thy Holy Spirit we earnestly plea.

Defend us from the dark and evil machinations of the Foe
of Truth, his wiles are like a spider’s web and the unwary are doomed without


Trash the bonds of sin created by the prince of lies, we
entreat Thee Lord Jesus, for they entice the soul like glittering bangles with
empty promises.

Hear, oh Lord, the prayers of Thy people, we fall far
short of Thy Will and perfection, which is why we have need of Thy saving

Eternal grace grant unto us oh Lord God that we may be
faithful to the Way of Everlasting Life in Thee and our deeds reflect Thy


Light our life’s path, oh God of love and redemption,
set our feet on the firm ground of truth, fill us with Thy grace and lead us
home to Thee.

Infuse our hearts, minds and souls with the protective
grace we need to sustain us as we journey on life’s hazardous road to salvation
in Thee.

Give us this day our daily bread for a grace filled
life, that Thy grace of salvation may give us strength for the journey and
battles ahead.

Holy Spirit comfort us, enable us with Thy presence and
grace so that our actions will always be pleasing according to Thy omnipotent

This is our story Lord Jesus, this is our prayer, that
in all our deeds You will be near, and forever in the warmth of Thy glory we
will be with Thee.