The Struggle Against Spiritual Forces

The mind of man comprehends all things from a small and
finite view, for we only use often less than 15% of our mind.

Herein lies man’s problem when trying to comprehend the
omnipotent and omnipresent reality that is God.

Elohim’s divinity is beyond the capacity of man to
comprehend, yet man continues to try and fit God into a finite mold if his


Striving to put the Infinite (that is God) into a finite
box is akin to pouring 100 gallons of water into a 1 pint container, expecting
it to hold it all,  it cannot be done.

Thus man creates his own conflict, either he believes in
a god of his making or he denies God’s existence altogether, both of which fail
to acknowledge the infinite omnipotent and omnipresence that is God.

Rescued by the Blood of the Lamb, Jesus, we are given
the opportunity to know God on a personal basis.

Unfortunately , man tends to fall away from the truth
that is God and create gods that are easier for him to manipulate according to
his perceived needs and Satan’s promptings.

God needs no explanation to those who follow His Son
Jesus, faith sustains them.

God, being omnipotent and omnipresent needs not to fall
into the categories created by man.

Let God guide you through your needs when your life
enters a typically stressful phase, He has all under ultimate control.

Enter into a covenant with Him and you shall prosper in
the things of heaven.


Accept, that as God he will ultimately prevail over all

Glorify the God of creation, kneel before the God of
redemption and accept the blessings of the Holy Spirit and you shall surely

Accept that your own fallibility will keep you from
having the power to create lasting solutions.

Implore God to take charge of your life so that your
solutions become successful, lasting ones.

Nurture your spiritual abilities through prayer and the
reading of God’s Inspired Word.

Sustain yourself through prayer, contemplation and God’s
Word as revealed by the Holy Spirit.

Take time to understand that life as we know it has but
one conclusion, being finite it does not lead us to a permanent solution.


Spend time reading the word of God, it will always give
you what you need to prevail against all travail.

Put God in between you and your troubles, He can
handle  them better than you can.

Immerse yourself in God’s Word, for it is by His grace
and love you shall gain salvation.

Remember man that by God’s grace you were rescued and by
His grace and loving sacrifice you can ultimately prevail.

Infinite, divine and omnipotent is the One True God, He
is more than capable of solving your problems.

Take advantage of His infinite love for you and let Jesus
guide your life.

Unburden yourself, He has offered to carry your load ,
Jesus has already paved the way for your salvation.

Accept the help and guidance of God, for He had promised
that He would not abandon you.

Love your neighbor as He had loved you, its hard but
with the infilling of the Holy Spirit, it can be done.


Forgive those who have done wrong to you, for the
harboring of resentment will do you more harm than it ever could do them.

Offer prayer and peaceful intent to your enemies, for
their rejection of these gifts can only bring ultimate harm to themselves.

Receive their peace offerings and forgiveness in good
faith do not reject them out of hand.

Commune with others of like mind and heart so that you
may be strengthened in your walk with God.

Employ love as your major gift to others so that your
Father in Heaven may be glorified.

Saved by Jesus, God’s Son, we have but to glorify His
name to continue to receive His loving blessings.