(1 Corinthians 14)

Thou hast given us the grace of Thy charity Lord Jesus,
for Thou so loved the world Thou gave Thy life in Love to pay for our sins and
resurrected, gained for us eternal life in Thee.

Holy Spirit, Thy charity, which is Thy love for mankind,
comforts us each time we call on Thee, for all our true strength and purity
flows forth in Thy precious grace, from Thee.

Each day infill me with the desire to follow Thy Way
Lord Jesus and the grace filled understanding to come before my fellow men in
witness to Thy Divinity and Glorious Life.


Give us this day, Lord Jesus, the Bread of Life that
through it we may gain both purity of purpose and the grace filled
understanding of Thy Word necessary to aid others.

Restore us each day Lord with Thy Word and grant us the
grace of understanding that we may be empowered by Thy grace to share Thy
precious Word with all we meet.

Accept oh Lord our supplications on our own behalf,
allow not our egos to flower forth and gain control of our words, for without
Thy intervention, we have a tendency to be inaccurate.

Come by Lord and in Thy passing enable our minds to Thy
knowledge, our hearts to Thy loving grace and our souls to the purity of Thy
Divine Salvation that we may live in Thee.

Each day make of our lives the epitome of Thy divine
works through Thy grace on our behalf so that others may be inspired to come to
Thee and from sin become free.


Our Father, Who art in Heaven, hollowed be Thy Name,
grant us true understanding of Thy Word as we speak, and lead us away from temptation,
for we are weak.

Free us, Lord Jesus, from our trend to make our
transgressions easier to excuse in appeasement of our desires by
mistranslations of Thy Word and its application to our daily lives


Understanding that the gift of tongues is subservient to
the gift of understanding itself, I glorify Thee by passing on Thy Precious
Name to others Oh Lord Jesus.

Never in the history of the world has such a gift been
given unto the sons of salvation than that which lieth in the gift of
understanding, for within lies the ability to spread Thy Word.

Decrying not the ability to speak in unknown tongues,
for that is how one may communicate with Thee, I ask to understand that which
has been given me concerning Thy Holy Word.

Employ me, Lord, according to Thy Wisdom, for the
combined wisdom of all men, past, present and to come is but a small short
lived flame when compared to Thee, the Eternal Flame.

Receive unto Thy glory, Lord Jesus, my efforts in Thy
Name, enhance them with Thy Understanding, for without Thee guiding me, they
are but dust in a high wind.

Savior mine, Son of God Divine, lend us through Thy Holy
Spirit the grace to understand Thy Word, for left to our own devices and meager
intellect we tend to err in understanding Thee.

Take Thy rightful place in our heart, mind and soul, oh
Lord and lend us Thy wisdom in all that we do according to Thy will, so that
all we encounter may be truly blessed.

Accept our prayers on behalf of the sick, the haut, or
incapacitated that They may be graced with the understanding of Thy Holy Word
and the blessings of Thy Salvation.

Nurture in us the knowledge of Thy Holy Word Lord Jesus
, let us not be guilty of defiling It with our earthly inhibited understanding,
grant us Thy grace as we speak in Thy Name.

Demand of me what Thy will Lord, infill me with the
grace of Thy divine understanding so that Thy words from my lips to their
hearts come to flower in their heart, mind and soul.

In Thee, oh Lord Jesus, floweth the magma of salvation
that burneth away all impurity, so that we may come before Thee cleansed of all

Nurture in us, Lord Jesus, the gift and grace to Love
our fellow man in the manner Thou hast loved us, so that we prove by our
actions to truly understand Thy Word.

God of glory, power and majesty grant us the graces of
Salvation and Understanding that we may serve Thee according to Thy Omnipresent
Will all the days of our lives.