Storge, Phila, Eros, Agape
Take charge, oh Lord, and place the grace of EROS love in
the sanctity of its proper place in marriage. Let it not be corrupted by
avarice or greed.
Help me with the grace of STORGE love Lord, that all
with whom I am familiar may see Thee attend to their needs in life through me.
Each day that I
interact with my friends Lord, keep the grace of PHILA love flowing so that to
each friend’s need, we cherish and attend in Thee.
God of all creation, Thy love is truly beyond all man’s
merit, thankfully the gift of Thy AGAPE’ love is freely given to me through
Jesus unconditionally.
Receive, oh Lord this humble prayer from this Thy naive
child, that all Thy love I receive from Thee, Thou tender tenfold to my fellow
men through me.
Attraction appears an easy thing by which love can be
measured, but love implies respect and responsibility to be equally paired, not
just measured.
Come Holy Spirit encourage me, fill me with Thy grace,
grant in me Thy graces of love be sheltered, guided, and blest to serve man’s race.
Eros love has its place in the work of married life, for
Thou hast declared humanity be fruitful and multiply, so thus man in faith must
take a wife.
Oh Jesus, Thou hast decreed that we extend the grace of
PHILA love to all who we might meet, that the hand of friendship’s love evil
shall defeat.
Four attributes are held by Love, Eros in married life,
Storge in daily life, Phila between friends, and Agape’, the love that sets us
Four attributes that must be guided by Thy grace, for
they function in the realm of man and are prone to man’s corrupting
dysfunctional influence.
Oh God of all creation, our defender Thou must be, for
all our good intentions will go for naught without the guidance provided by
Unbind us, Lord, from our tendency in our actions to be
corrupt, nurture Thy gifts in us with Thy Divine Agape’ love that at Thy table
we can sup.
Renew in us Thy presence Lord, with Thy grace, take
charge of us, we plea, for no-one on earth, can protect us from evil and hate
excepting Thee.
Let us not fall into the temptation to lack love for our
fellow man, for by Your decree, we must love him and extend a hand to help him
get free.
Omnipresent is the love Lord, that Thou hast extended
me, help me extend it to others that they too can become free in Thee.
Virtue is a grace, Lord that Thou hast in Agape’ love
extended me, for without Thy Agape’ love in sinful chains of slavery, I still
would be.
Each day is an opportunity, Lord, for me to grow in love,
but to be frank, this cannot be without Thy loving guidance from above.
So hear my prayer of thanksgiving, Lord, and let Thy
love flow through me, so Thy gift of loving salvation can set others free to be
with Thee.