Teaching by example can be hard to do, ask God for the
grace to teach according to His omnipotent will.

Help each other to share God’s Word with others, for
evangelization is one of the duties of the church.

Enlist the fellowship to serve the community, that their
deeds may open the way for others to come to God’s fold.


Followship with one another, that your spirits may be
filled with God’s grace and guided by His will.

Invest in the fellowship of your children that they may
be encouraged to be uplifting factors in each other’s lives.

Verify what you teach, that when you evangelize, it is
God’s glory you exhort and not your concept of what God should be.

Educate each other lovingly in God’s Will and His Word
as you fellowship together.      


Find, in prayer, the grace to understand your own
fallibility so what you teach is God‘s Word, not yours.

Unfetter yourself from the chains of preconceived
notions of what God’s will may be, wait on His guidance.

Nurture the five functions of the church in your prayer
life, that you may enjoy true abundance.

Contain and stop the frequent tendency to misquote God’s
Word to excuse personal actions.

Teach each other to pay     more attention to what is written in God’s
word rather than dogmatic interpretation.

In God’s Word resides all truth and perfection, ask God
for help in remaining true to His Word.

Our Salvation was created by God’s Loving Word, pray
that we prove to be worthy of God’s love.

Note; every church needs these five functions to
properly grow; to serve, to worship, to fellowship, to teach, and to

Service requires one to assess the needs of others and
intervene as God wills.


One must include the loving act of forgiveness before
worshiping God, a hardened heart appearing before the Lord is deemed

Fellowship in Christ aids in our support for each other
and growth in our walk with Him.


Teach others what you have learned in your walk with
God, forgoing condemnation, for judgment belongs to God.

Hold fast to your faith and with your actions prove to
be an example to others of the value of your faith in God.

Evangelize, so that the fellowship of the church may
grow as it gives God the glory.


Christ must always be the focal point of every church,
in order to properly grow’ the fellowship must remember this fact.

Have a care that your fellowship never places social
preferences and interaction above God’s will.

Understand, diluting the dictates of God’s Word in order
to increase church   membership refutes
God’s Word and is never wise.

Redemption is a new lease on life paid for by Christ’s
sacrifice on your behalf, don’t waste or forget this fact.

Come together in fellowship, in teaching, in worship, in
service  and in evangelism that you may
be blessed with God’s grace.

Hold fast to the teachings and will of the Lord, reject
the pressures of society and your church shall do well in God’s eyes.