Savior, the lords of sin hated You before they hated me
and thus I pray when I before them stand that I be found guilty of loving Thee.

Take me as I am oh Lord and make of me a vessel of Thy
omnipresent love, that I may share Thy loving grace with all whom I may

Oppression’s hand now may call the shots of sin’s
oppressive reign, but in the final battle shall the Son of God in glory reign.

Rough are the grips of the winds of avarice and greed,
through Your death and resurrection I am anchored and they can do no lasting

My obedience Lord to Thy Word is in direct conflict with
the world, thus storms are inevitable, for the battle standard has been raised.

Storms of sin blow through my life but I in the safe
harbor of Christ the King am counted safe, for nothing of ill can reach me


Come Holy Spirit take Your place in my heart, for the
storms of travail will come, but for Your presence in me I would be overcome.

Accept oh Lord this simple prayer, come take Your place
in me, Lord Jesus, that I may be safe in Thee.

Now Lord, I plea, accept me in the the protection of
Your love, for in Your arms I shall eventually find peace.


Comfort me oh Holy Spirit when I am anxious for without
Thy comfort I can easily be swayed by the serpents honied tongue.

Oobedient to Thy will, with You as my guide I shall
prevail over travail’s storms for I am anchored in Thy grace by Thy Holy Word.

Master, Son of God, like the apostles of old, I failed
to note that storms may come even when you are with me, but they will never

Each day with Your will to guide me through any storm I
may face, I shall be saved for in the end all storms shall be eventually


Furious as the storms of life may be, Lord I am in safe
harbor with Thee, for nothing can prevail against Thy Will.

Rough seas may rock the ship of my life, but with You on
board sin’s storm can cast no lasting strife.

Oh God of salvation, obedience in You is often at odds
with the world, but with You in control I shall prevail.

Master within Your grace the battle standard of
salvation is unfurled, the victory won even as the challenge is hurled.


Obedience in You may attract the storms of travail, but
You will see me through them all without fail.

Boldly I stand facing the storm, for with Your
protection I shall endure no lasting harm for in You mI have a safe harbor.

Elohim, I call on Thee, still the storm that comes for
me, though I may have to ride it out, with You I shall prevail, of this there
is no doubt.

Deny the claims that Satan’s horde has placed on me
Lord, forever hold me close to Thee, that from evil I shall be free.

I can overcome the chains of sin’s design, for in Your
grace I am spiritually fine.

Elohim, I pray this is true, that if loving You should
be a crime, I am judged guilty, for I am Thine.

Nurture me when the storms of travail draw near, that I
remember I have no real reason to fear.

Come Lord Savior guide my heart with Your loving grace,
that in heaven with You I’ll have a place.

Elohim,  I pray,
if I am judged in any way, let me be found guilty of loving You, when the tale
of my life is through