Savior mine, God’s Son, Divine Creator of all that
exists within and under Heaven, touch my eyes that I may see and render the
praises and glory that is due Thee.
Protect Thy servant, my Lord Adonai, from the dense and
blinding fog that obscures the obstacles I may surely encounter in life and
help me to circumnavigate them.
In You, oh Lord, my God, is the source of my spiritual
sight, grant me the grace of discernment that I may truly see and make my
choices according to Thy Perfect Will.
Restore my spiritual sight oh Lord, reveal Thy Will to
me, that I may serve Thee to Thy glory and satisfaction.
Invest in me, oh Holy Spirit, the grace of spiritual
wisdom and sight that I need to honor Thee in all my deeds according to Thy
Take me by the hand my Father God, as I would a blind
little child, and guide my steps along Thy Way that from Thy side I may never
Unbind my impaired spiritual sight with Thy healing
grace, that I may see and faithfully
follow Thee and gain the blessings You have gathered for me.
Almighty God, do not let spiritual blindness bind me to
a life of spiritual illness, loss and
sin, fill me with Thy healing grace, I plea.
Light of life, blessed God of creation, Father of all
that exists in truth and light, brighten my path, that I may see clearly and
guide me home to Thee.
See me Lord, do not turn from me when I falter, that I
may not be lost in Thy sight please reach out in divine compassion and gather
me into the safety of Thy loving arms.
I am but a lost
and foolish lamb stumbling in a desolate field of evil, degenerative and
grasping brambles, without Thy guiding hand, oh Lord Adonai.
Grant me Thy guidance, oh Great Shepherd, my Lord Adonai and grant me
the comfort of Thy gentle, loving,
comforting and forgiving heart.
Hear oh Lord Jesus,Son of God, the prayers and
supplications of thy lowly servant, forgive me for my ignorant and blinding
transgressions in the years I fled from Thee.
Take me and mold me according to Thy Omnipotent Will,
forgive my transgressions for I am but a son of Adam and as weak as he, please
accept all the praise, honor and glory I tender to Thee.