Redeemed by the grace provided by Thy gift of salvation, oh Lord, I give Thee my heartfelt praise and loving adoration.
Elohim’s Son, Longinus as ordered, put Thee to death on the tree of iniquity, in this way You paid the resurrection price for me .
Startled, Longinus, who’s spear had pierced Thy side, in heartfelt awe exclaimed; Truly, He was the Son of God.
Unnerved by the enormity of his transgression, with sight restored in his blinded eye, he proclaimed Thy sovereignty. R oman Centurion Longinus stood in startled awe for by Thy mercy Lord Jesus, his lost eye had been by Thee restored.
Restored to sight by Thy sacred blood, in startled awe, Longinus gave witness, to all, of Thy lineage oh Blessed Son of God.
Elohim’s Son, I plea, that Thou grant me Thy grace of spiritual sight, so like Longinus in grace, I may come to better know Thee.
Came the dawn of the third day, the tombstone rolled away, for death has no sovereignty over Thee and now, no say over me.
Take me Oh Lord my God, resurrect me in Thy Service Lord that I may live forever in Thy Healing Heart, from Thee nevermore to part.
In Thy resurrection Lord, You broke the chains that kept us apart, and in my heart the gift of Salvation in grace was awoken.
Oh God of all creation, we come on bended knee, in humble praise and thanksgiving for the gift of eternal life came with Thee.
Now on this day we celebrate the confirmation of Thy sovereignty Lord, for all of creation has always belonged to Thee.
Deliver us from evil Lord, and salvation for us decree, that with a grace filled life we come to faithfully follow Thee.
Accept Oh Lord God, our prayers of supplication, praise and thanksgiving that we may enjoy the largess of Thy divine love.
Yeshua, resurrected Son of the Living God, for the gift of eternal life by Thy sacrifice on our behalf we humbly thank Thee, oh Lord our God.