Love By Comparison
Love is easy, Lord, when it is directed to those I accept as my own, help me to love those I normally find unacceptable.
Often I allow the differences of others to circumvent my ability to love them as You have loved me.
Virtueous is the soul that can love one’s enemies with a grace filled heart.
Embrace me Lord, for without You, I often find myself incapable of loving my enemies.
Bring the power of Your loving grace into my heart Oh God that I may be able to love my enemies.
Your’s was the sacrifice that gained me forgiveness and eternal life, grant me the ability to love as You love me.
Create in me the qualities that You require of me and enable me to love my enemies as You have loved me.
Omnipotent God, all things are possible for You, make me Thy visible witness to Your love and glory.
My God, fill me with the capacity to love others as You have loved me.
Please Lord, in the court of self serving public opinion, let me be found guilty of doing Your loving will.
Accept my prayers and heartfelt efforts to Your greater glory, oh God.
Renew Yourself in me, that all my efforts glorify Thee, Lord Jesus Christ.
I call upon Thee, oh God, to enhance my abilities in relation to my actions involving the needs of others.
Stiffle my tendency to hate those who oppose me, fill me with the grace to offer them Your love and compassion.
Oh God, I am not worthy to enjoy the blessings of Your love in Christ, fill me.
Nurture in me the gifts of Your grace, that I may fulfill Your command to love my neighbors as You have loved me.