Just follow Me, my child, and be truly free, for I’ve paid the horrific ransom with My life for thee.

Eternal is the loving pow’r of God My Father up above, thus for thee I gave my life, all for love.

Salvation is yours for the asking, come child and follow me, for I’ve paid up redemption’s blood fee.

Unfettered is your path now child, for I have set you free, all you need to do is come and follow Me.

So, children reborn of my love and redemption, I call unto thee, come in grace, and follow Me.


Salvation was garnered with My innocent life, accept My love’s blessings and end all your spiritual strife.

Perhaps you feel unworthy to receive this grace filled gift, but all has been forgiven thee, so come follow me.

Omnipotent and omnipresent is my Father up above, He sent me as proof of His unfettered eternal love.

Keep this in mind, there is no deed you can do to purchase this gift I have painfully garnered for you.

Elohim’s gift of love is simple: just accept His Word and cherish His grace filled presence in you.