In Thee, oh Lord, is found proper guidance and
discernment, protect us from those who would cover the scent of evil and decay
with the savory spice of comely words.

Save us oh Lord Jesus, from the verbiage of iniquity,
the empty flatteries which camouflage the decay of moral inequity with the
appearance of good.

Apply in us Thy protective grace of discernment that we
may see through the deception of the evil ones honied words and expose them.

Invest in us the vision to see past the coat of new
paint applied to the rotten moral structure offered our nation by the deceivers
now in apparent charge.

Accept our prayers for our nation, oh Lord God of
fidelity and truth, for the harbingers of deceit are slandering truth and
goodness with lies and deceit.

Hear us, oh Lord God of redemption, our nation has
strayed, our leaders corrupt and the enemy is in apparent control, save us.


Free us from the domination of those who are swayed by
the temptations and teachings of self interest and moral misdirection, we plea.

Imprint Thy will upon this nation, return it to Thy
grace and direction, reclaim Thy sovereignty over its future, oh Heavenly
Father, we plea.

Vindicate your people Lord, grant us the grace of
discernment and the courage to stand forth in truth and prayer in Thy service
according to Thy Will.

Elohim, we call upon Thee for a renewed nation, one that
places Thee before all things and is rededicated to Thy truth, abhorring all


Take a walk through our nation, oh Lord, empower us to
walk faithfully with Thee in grace, humility and zeal in joyful accord with Thy

Without Thee, oh God, we are children fighting
windmills, our efforts have no power to effect meaningful change and the
deceivers appear to rule, aid us.

Elohim, grant us the blessing of Thy cleansing grace,
aide us to scrub clean the hearts, minds and souls of our nation, restoring her
to Thee.

Nurture the soul of this nation, bring it back to the
spiritual goals it once held so dear, for the misdirection of its trustees has
stripped it of Thy grace.

This is our story oh God, we have been complacent and
neglectful of Thy guidance and now we are reaping the harvest of our
iniquities, forgive us and aid us.

Yeshua Thou has paid the price to free us
all from perdition, grant our leaders the wisdom to turn back to Thee and save
our nation from iniquities chains,