I plea before the throne of God, my true Father and
creator, on behalf of those my brethren suffering from the terror of
persecution in nations around this woefully errant world.
Perhaps I have enjoyed too much, the benefits of the
freedom to pursue the wealth of blessings I inherit from Thee, oh Son of God
that I blindly take them for granted.
Receiving Your largess in peace, I acknowledge my
blindness to, and that I take for granted, the pain, suffering and sadness that
others endure for love of You, Lord Jesus.
Almighty God, from heaven’s throne, You see what cost in
human pain some of Your children with grace filled hearts, endure to assert
their love of You, comfort them, I plea.
Yeshua, You endured the ignominy of false accusations,
pain and death to reclaim my fractured soul, as Your resurrection proclaimed
Your divine authority to make me spiritually whole.
Father, I come to Thee in humble supplication, asking
that You ease the pain and persecution of Thy children, caused by sin, in every
single nation.
Omnipotent is Your power, oh Lord God of hosts, and we
Thy chosen ones bow in humble adoration, for yours is the power of creation
Receive the supplications of Thy faithful children, who
are free to worship Thee, on behalf of those under persecution for their grace
filled faith in Thee.
Take the hands of Thy children as they praise Thy Holy
Name, grant them all the blessings needed for their lives to bring others to
Thee, so that their lives are not seen as lost in vain.
Help them all, according to their needs, Lord, make of
their lives Your hand picked beautiful flowers found among persecution’s dingy
Encourage with the grace of faith, the children of Thy
Son’s Way, as they endure the slings and arrows of Evil’s persecutions every
Pick the survivors, of persecution, up from the valleys
of death, that their testimonies may glorify Thy Holy Name, oh Father of all
Employ the prayers of all the faithful throughout the
world as the ignition source of the power of Thy grace filled love, that all
men may benefit.
Receive into Thy loving heart the souls of the
faithfully departed, and fill the hearts, minds and souls of those who survive
with the grace of Thy omnipresent loving presence.
Secure, in the knowledge, that all things are made
possible for those whose lives are dedicated to Thee, we glorify Thy Holy Name
oh Lord.
Each day, we Thy children place before Thy throne, the
lives and souls of those who go before us, glorifying Thy Holy Name, Lord
Come by here Lord Yeshua, and stay awhile, let the
shadow of Thy passing touch all who linger by, that the unbelievers and
persecutors turn to Thee in honor and supplication.
Unbind the sight of the unbelievers that they may come
to realize the error of their ways and cease their persecution of Thy children
as Paul did in the early days of redemption.
Take Thy children by the hand oh Father of all
existence, comfort them in their distress that their lives be a saving example
to the children bound by the chains of sinfulness.
Employ the lives of Thy children Lord to the amazement
of their spiritually blind persecutors
that Thy glory may shine brighter then ten thousand suns and their eyes opened
to Thee.
Delay not Thy blessings upon Thy errant creation man, oh
Lord Jesus, for Thine is the majestic authority, power and salvation born of
the glory of Thy resurrection ……. Amen.