I call on Thee Lord Jesus, to reign sovereign in my life, take command and safeguard me from all strife, show me my rightful place in a grace filled life.


Knight me, oh Heavenly Father, in the service of Christ the King and into my life His hard earned Redemptive Grace, I earnestly plea that You will bring.

Nurture me with the grace of humility Lord, stifle my prideful tendencies, for pride puffs up the ego like a gaseous balloon and adds nothing of true worth.

Obedient to the dictates of Thy Word, I often ask for fellowship Lord, so that all my decisions are blest by Thee and protected from Satan’s evil horde.

Withstanding temptation’s call Lord, I ask that You continue filling me with Your grace, so I may always bring honor to Thee in the conduct of my life’s race.


Many and diverse are the challenges that clammer to be filled, a few of them are truly mine, help me to know my place in Your plan, for all of life is Thine.

Yeshua, Thou art the One True God, make me subservient to Thy Will, grant that vainglory is not my sin and all my deeds serve to honor Thee still.


Prayer is my link with Thee my Lord, thus I ask for the grace of clarity, that I may pray according to Thy Will and give You the glory and all Your commands fulfill.

Let me not lead others on my own earthly authority Lord God, least without Thy Will I lead others astray, for heavy is the penalty I then would have to pay.

Accepting, in prayer, Your Will in all things and knowing all my needs will be properly met, I freely claim to be Your humble servant my Lord Creator.

Confront my tendency to take up the reins of authority on my own desire Lord, for such authority, taken without Your consent, is vainglorious at best.

Each of us is given their own task to fulfill, I know my place is to act according to Thy Will, so with Thy Redeeming Grace I ask Thee, make my pride be still.