Come Holy Spirit enter into our hearts that we may serve Thy will.
Almighty Father of all that exists, we ask Thy intervention in our prayers.
Lord God Almighty, we ask for Your divine presence in our lives
Vision of Clarity, Holy God Almighty protect and heal those in our prayers.
Adonai, grant unto us oh Lord Thy grace, that we may serve Thee more freely.
Redeemer, Son of the Living God, we thank Thee for Thy sacrifice on our behalf.
You are the rescuer of mankind, Your Sacrifice has reconciled us with God our Father.
Come oh Redeemer that we may have Your blessing as we face our Heavenly Father.
Holy is the name of the Lord most high, we stand in awe of Thy existence Heavenly Father.
Understanding our inability to give our Creator His due, You took our place and our punishment.
Respect and adoration we tender to Thee oh Lord God our Savior.
Christ Jesus, you took our stripes, iniquity, and the sentence of death for our sake.
Holy Spirit, fill us with Thy grace, That we may better serve Thee in thanksgiving for our salvation.
Remember us oh Lord when our time has come, that we may enter eternity with Thee.
In You God is our trust, Your Son so loved us that He endured our punishment to save us for You.
Victory of the spirit is only possible with You Jesus as our mediator and Redeemer.
Every breath we take, everythingwe are, everything we have, belongs to You oh Lord our God.
Reconciled through Jesus, we offer all we are and have in service to You Lord God.
Our love and devotion we offer to You, for Thou hast loved us more then we deserve.
Almighty God accept our prayers, supplications and accolades meager though they be.
King of kings, Lord of lords, eternal God we bow down before Thee in loving humility.
Savior grant us Thy acceptance into Thy fold, for Thou art the Good Shepard, our protector.
(or this verse)
Reaching out to our neighbor, may our actions glorify Thee Oh Lord.
In every act, and every prayer, may we give Thee the glory and honor.
Voices raised in harmony, may we join the angels in praise of Thee.
Every thing we do, everyone we meet may we reflect your love oh God.
Reflections of Your awesome love we ask that we shall be.
Our love is just a little thing, compared to your great love for us.
All our deeds, we ask oh Lord, to Thee the glory be.
Keeping watch oh Lord for Your return we continue to glorify Thee.
Sing we praises of the King, oh what glory You will bring.