Blessed Redeemer
Born to God’s decree and for our salvation, Mary’s Son,
Lamb of God and Savior of mankind to Thee I laud on bended knee, oh Son of God,
our beloved Emmanuel.
Lord of all that exists in creation, Thou Son of
God, born to free mankind from sin’s
bondage, all honor and glory I render to Thee.
Elohim, I call to Thee in humble supp, accept my apology
for my failures to act according to Thy Will.
Savior of mankind, bring forth the grace I need to free
myself from sin’s grasp and follow Thy decrees.
Sing I the praises of the one true King, the mighty
Adonai, for to mankind salvation He doth
bring, by His personal sacrifice, our blessed redemption He did bring to fruition.
Emmanuel, Thou hast come to the world, not to be of it’s
wayward substance, but to redeem it’s inhabitants from the chains forged of
Evil’s dominion.
Deliver us from evil oh Lord God of creation, as only
You can, for it’s grip is great, but Thy release from Evil’s grip is greater
still, aid me with Thy grace to joyfully accomplish Thy Will.
Receive from Thy errant children the prayers and praises
that is Your just due, for Thou art the font of salvation and creation, oh Lord Emmanuel.
Emmanuel, Thou standeth beside me in my journey through
this life, all I need to do is acknowledge Your sovereignty in my life and act
according to Thy omnipotent Will.
Defend me from the mighty foe whose presence tries to
hide the glow of grace that Your presence casts into my heart and soul, for I
alone am unable to accomplish Thy Will.
Enter my heart, mind and soul, that in Thy Will I can
walk in harmony with the body of Christ on earth upholding Thy tenets and not the form of theo-political bondage that encompasses many denominations
Enter my heart, mind and soul with Thy healing grace, that
I may not be judgmental according to the teachings of my denominations’s
legacies but discerning according to Thy Omnipotent Will.
Make me an instrument of Thy Omnipotent and Divine Will, that my actions
reflect and reveal Your divine glory and Omnipotent Will to all mankind, that
You are glorified as is Your due.
Equipt me with the power and means to glorify Thee
regardless of the concerns, conflicts and harsh confrontations I may face in
the journey that is this life.
Redeemer of mankind, do not let us be enslaved by
denominational ritual, allow Your Holy Spirit to make of our lives according to
Thy Divine Will, for the glory of mankind is but a pale reflection of the grace
and glory that is inherent in Thy precious Word.