Accept oh Lord this humble prayer, according to Thy
Will, that in loving my enemies, You will not find me still.
Please Lord, lend Your loving grace and guidance for
the salvation of my enemies according to Thy Will.
Savior mine, Son of God Divine, confirm my salvation
before my enemies, in my conduct let Thy love be clearly and unmistakably
Allow Thy grace to infill my enemy as You bless my loved
ones too, that all in Thy loving grace may come to you.
Lord You decreed that I must love my enemy as You have
loved me, that kind of love I often find is hard for me.
Make me an instrument of Thy love Lord, for that kind of
love is never inadequate no matter what I face.
Secure for me Thy grace of love, that all may clearly
see, that my love for all humanity
surely comes from Thee.
Singing praises to Thee Lord Jesus, give me the grace to
love my enemies just as Thou hast decreed.
Our love is inadequate without Thy guiding grace, so
fill my heart with Thy Love that mine enemies I may embrace.
Now and in the final hour of our existence on this
earth, supply us with Thy blessings and grant us Thy second birth.
God of all Creation, secure our grace in Thee, that all
who follow Jesus will in Thee always be free.