T ouch all within Thy Omnipresent Hearing Lord Jesus, fill us with Thy Holy Grace, guide us with the Grace of Thy Great Compassion that we may come to Thee in fealty.
H oly Spirit comfort us when we fall from grace, grant us the comfort of Thy mercy, holy presence and grace, within Thy Salvation and Will Lord Jesus aid us to come to Thee.
E nter into my heart Lord Jesus, let Thy presence be my only guide, lead me from temptation to the greener pastures of grace that in Heaven I may ultimately with Thee reside.
G iven my sinfulness, my tendency to ignore the Gift of Salvation Thou hast procured for me, my narrow human mind oft fails to fathom why Thou would take my side and set me free.
I n Thee is my redemption Lord, in Thee my tendency to fall is cushioned by Thy Love, for Thou art the Fount of Redemption, Thy Grace the power given by Thee to set me truly free.
F reedom, in truth, is the ability to choose with grace fueled power between that which is right or wrong, Lord help me chose to always follow Thee in action, prayer and song.
T hou paid the price to set mankind free Lord while giving Thy life for us, for in Thy infinite loving mercy, with Thy Life’s Blood Thou has given us the gift of eternal life in Thee.